동국대경주병원 건강증진센터  

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일반건강검진 생애전환기 건강검진 특정암건강검진
(1) Employees Insured
(A) Group Examination: A list of health examination targets provided by NHIS is submitted to medical institutions offering examination service. Then, the medical institutions provide examination service after checking targets by examination item (cancer examination, national cancer screening).

(B) Individual Examination: Based on a list of examination targets provided by NHIS, persons to receive examination collect a confirmation of examination targets as insured employees from their respective employers (persons in charge). Then, the targets receive examination by submitting the confirmation and their identifications.
(2) Local Subscribers and Dependent of the Insured Employees
(A) To receive examination by submitting health examination slips received from NHIS and their personal identifications

(B) In case health examination slip is lost (Article 10 of the Health Examination Implementation Standards, "Health Examination Implementation Procedures")
  • Examination institutions check the targets with NHIS by phone or on the Internet (including examination items, cancer examination/ national cancer screening target status) and then administer examination on the confirmed targets.
  • Examination targets obtain confirmation of their status as a local subscriber and a dependent of the insured employee from NHIS (for submission to examination institutions) and receive examination by submitting it together with their personal ID.
02.실시방법 및 준수사항
  • Examination must be carried out in two stages, primary and secondary examinations. In case of examination on insured employees, primary examination is carried out on all of the target employees and secondary examination is carried out on those of whom confirmation of diseases is difficult with the results of primary examination. Scope, examination items, methods and time of secondary examination are separately prescribed by the Minister of Employment and Labor (Article 100, Paragraph 3 of the Rules).
  • For health examination methods and other necessary details, health examination implementation standards and guidelines for health examination practice must be followed(Article 100, Paragraph 8 of the Rules).
  • In years where both general and special health examinations must be provided, employers must arrange for their employees to receive examination of their composite health conditions by including general health examination in special health examination (Article 5 of the Implementation Standards).
1차 검진결과 통보
  • Examination institutions send results of primary examination to the designated addresses within 15 days
  • Administer secondary examination on those suspected of diseases as a result of primary examination
  • If there are employees who need to receive secondary examination, the respective examination institutions notify it without a delay to the employers using the Implementation Standard Annexed Form 1.
2차 건강검진 실시
  • When notified of a list of employees to receive secondary examination and the respective examination items through the Annexed Form 1 from examination institutions, the employers must provide examination for the secondary examination items within ten days from the day of notification (Article 6 of the Enforcement Standard).
  • Upon completion of examination, the examination institutions must draw up a notice of results and submit it to the respective examinees.
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